Ways to bring back your smile with restorative dental care in Riverview, FL

Oral health issues can be prevented with diligence and regular dental visits, but once tooth decay and gum disease damage your mouth, prompt treatment can mean the difference between losing and saving your teeth. The dentists at Inspiration Dental in Riverview, FL, specialize in preventive care and restorative treatments to keep you smiling for years to come.

Preserving your teeth

Unfortunately, teeth and gums damaged by decay and infections can’t heal themselves. Our practice has invested in state-of-the-art technology to clear infections with minimal discomfort and time in the chair. We utilize dual wave laser therapy, air abrasion, and Cone Beam CT scanners to quickly diagnose and treat your issues while conserving as much of your natural tooth as possible. In multiple cases, we can treat tooth decay without a drill and help strengthen your teeth and prevent bacteria from recurring for longer with these advanced techniques.

Orthodontic treatment can straighten crooked teeth and improve your jaw alignment. Thanks to advances in dental technology, Invisalign can get the job done for kids and adults alike using clear aligner trays that are virtually invisible when you show your teeth.

Addressing cosmetic issues

In addition to enhancing your oral health, our practice can help you address cosmetic issues to restore confidence in your smile. Professional teeth whitening can remove stubborn staining on your teeth and restore their natural sheen.

For patients with gaps, mildly crooked teeth, or chips and cracks, we offer various solutions. Dental bonding is a fast and practical way to improve your teeth’ look in a single visit. Your dentist can use the same composite resin designed to fill cavities to enhance your teeth’ look and shape. Porcelain crowns and veneers offer long-lasting results for imperfections in your teeth, and they blend in discreetly with your smile. To schedule a consultation with us, call us at (813) 638-0313.
